City of Angels Graffiti Jacket & Tee
The City of Angels Graffiti Jacket & Tee is an artistic outcome combining street art, namely graffiti found in Los Angeles, photography, digital printing technology, and the 1980s influences in women’s apparel. The artistic reference for design, along with digitally printed fabric resulted in the finished piece which exhibits a combination of urban graffiti art, influences of 1980s punk and moto styling and feminine details. The opening of “Art in the Streets”, on April 17th, 2011 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles marked the largest American museum exhibition of graffiti and street art to date. Curator Roger Gastman says, “Bringing graffiti from the street into the museum venue isn’t easy” (“The History of American Graffiti:”2011). But Gastman had developed a skill for doing just that, with the Los Angeles exhibit showcasing 50 graffiti and street artist installations. Attending this show became the primary inspiration for the pieces in City of Angels Graffiti Jacket & Tee.
Keywords: Motorcycle, Graffiti, Art, American History
How to Cite:
Cole, C. L. & An, S., (2020) “City of Angels Graffiti Jacket & Tee”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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