Strange Fruit
The purpose of Strange Fruit was to create an ensemble bringing awareness to sexual violence as a weapon of war through a digitally engineered print design and the use of a militaristic silhouette. The most inspiring photo for the designer was Middel’s photograph of a papaya with a machete. It is symbolic of a woman’s womb attacked by sexual violence. In relation to war, the designer was intrigued by service medals with their bright colors and linear design. A service medal decoration was created by the designer in Adobe Illustrator using the rectangle tool. Rectangles were created proportionately to the dimensions of realistic service medals and the aesthetic desired by the designer. Both papaya photo and service medals were engineered on the front and back bodice. Zigzag embroidery stitches were applied on some of the service medals to emphasize the colors and texture.
Keywords: hand crafts, engineered print, Digital printing
How to Cite:
Luu, S. & Zhang, L., (2020) “Strange Fruit”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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