Textile and Apparel Science

Understanding the Effect of Clothing Pattern On E-Textile Electromyography (EMG) Electrode Performance

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Research shows that embroidery method provides repeatable and highly accurate results in manufacturing e-textile EMG electrodes. When e-textile EMG electrodes are integrated into clothing, fit of the clothing on the body and therefore cut and pattern become important factors effecting the signal quality. Fit directly affects the contact and pressure between the skin and e-textile electrode and therefore signal noise and electrical resistivity of e-textile EMG electrodes. This research analyzes the effect of pattern in clothing design on embroidered EMG electrodes’ performance during arm movement in comparison to the conventional hydrogel Ag/AgCl electrodes.

Keywords: Garment Pattern, Embroidery, Electromyography, E-textiles

How to Cite: Goncu-Berk, G. & Guvenc Tuna, B. (2020) “Understanding the Effect of Clothing Pattern On E-Textile Electromyography (EMG) Electrode Performance”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.11908
