Upcycled Duo: Combating Over-Consumption and Apparel Waste Through Clothes People Already Own
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2017) report “A new textiles economy Redesigning fashion’s future” offers a vision of a fashion system that is circular, ideally creating no waste by design, while strategically capturing value from recycled content. Goal three of the report findings suggest the radical improvement of recycling by transforming clothing design, collection and reprocessing. The purpose of this project is to integrate sustainable textile and apparel concepts into college curricula for fashion and apparel studies. This project intended to meet the apparel industry's needs for knowledgeable professionals through innovative sustainability education in college (Cobb, et. al, 2017) through an applied learning module called “Re/Fashion Studio.” This project represents the ongoing efforts of faculty to mainstream sustainable education and practices throughout the college curriculum for apparel design and merchandising majors through innovative and participatory discovery learning experiences.
Keywords: upcycle, teaching, pedagogy, sustainabilty
How to Cite:
Siqueira, A. G., Ellis, K. & Cobb, K., (2020) “Upcycled Duo: Combating Over-Consumption and Apparel Waste Through Clothes People Already Own”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.11817
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