
Home-to-Prison Pipeline

  • Kennesha Woods (Iowa State University)


A child’s home environment can either deter academic achievement or provide a supportive structure for the development of academic achievement The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) assessment contains ten questions measuring the impact of childhood trauma from birth to age 18. Of these ten questions, four are related to home and parents. The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon that we are calling the home-to-prison pipeline. Using the Theory of Cumulative Disadvantage (Sampson & Laub, 1997) and concepts from the School-to-Prison Pipeline (SPP) framework, we analyzed the relationships between ACEs responses for home and parent questions, academic achievement, and school discipline records for racially minoritized students in an urban midwestern school district. The significance of these significant influences between minoritized students and school success are discussed.



Published on
28 Feb 2019