Authors: Audrey Kennis (Iowa State University) , Elizabeth Martinez-Podolsky (Iowa State University) , Carmen Flagge (Iowa State University) , Ashley Garrin (Iowa State University) , Brenda Thorbs-Weber (Iowa State University) , LeQuetia Ancar (Iowa State University)
This SISTER Collective seeks to create an inclusive, supportive space for faculty and staff who identify as women of color (WOC) through a sister circle framework (Neal-Barnett et al., 2011). SISTER provides space and programming that is affirming, positive, and uplifting. Ultimately, this collective enhances the quality of life for participants by increasing their ability to create a shared community where they are accepted and validated. This panel will provide participants an opportunity to learn about the grassroots efforts and initiatives of the ISU SISTER collective. Panelists will share the history, purpose, and innovative efforts in areas of support, solidarity, and liberatory spaces at a Predominately White institution (PWI). We invite all university Deans, Department Chairs, DOGE’s and other key leaders to this important discussion on how advance division efforts in areas of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
How to Cite: Kennis, A. , Martinez-Podolsky, E. , Flagge, C. , Garrin, A. , Thorbs-Weber, B. & Ancar, L. (2021) “SISTER—Supporting Inclusive Spaces Through Experience and Recognition”, Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity. 22(1).