
Writing Centers as Social Justice Spaces: Looking Within



The ISU Writing & Media Center (WMC) engages with students from -diverse backgrounds with respect to race, language, nationality, ability, and other social identities. As the number of students participating in consultations has increased, so has the need to train and challenge our staff to identify their biases, providing them with opportunities to explore the implications of their predispositions. This session will look at the ways in which professional development at the WMC has begun to deconstruct various forms of 'othering' frnm the perspectives of the WMC staff. The goal of this session is to engage in a larger conversation on how student employees can look within themselves to identify and challenge their biases, as well as how units can create a safe space within a work environment so learning and reflection can take place.


How to Cite: Leow, S. (2014) “Writing Centers as Social Justice Spaces: Looking Within”, Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity. 15(1).