
Open Discussion on How A Central, Well-Funded Diversity Focused Office May Help ISU

  • Sergio Lence (Iowa State University)


Iowa State has a culture of decentralized programs for academics and student success. In the area of diversity, this has led to several strong programs such as McNair, Carver Fellows, Science Bound, TRIO. and SPEED, to name a few In this session, four faculty members who went to NCORE 2012 will host a discussion on whether a strong, centralized umbrella program would be a useful addition. Participants will be asked to brainstorm options, discuss pros/cons, and lay out the possible shape of a collaborative/central undergraduate diversity center, i.e. not replacing the current programs, but providing an umbrella structure that could provide more mentoring, advising, facilitated study sessions, community building, integration into academics etc. Another potential benefit is coordinated advocacy for more resources to improve the success of our diverse students. A possible outcome of this session might be to help inform the development of a well-funded diversity-focused unit that reports to the Provost



Published on
01 Mar 2013
Peer Reviewed