
Are You Illegal?! The Impact of the War on Drugs on the Image of the Latino Community in the United States



The violent and bloody game of Monopoly we all know as the drug war throughout the world is plaguing the image of the Latino community at large. It has been a motif within the American liberal media to emphasize the specific series of events happening closest to our own soil. This presentation will be dialogue in nature and focus on the audience’s views of Latinos. Because of the image the media has placed on Latinos through the Mexican War on Drugs, specifically in regards to the Americans of Mexican descent in U.S. society, we will address several stereotypes, each running through a comprehensive process of identifying the racism being presented.


How to Cite: Fru, D. (2012) “Are You Illegal?! The Impact of the War on Drugs on the Image of the Latino Community in the United States”, Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity. 13(1).