Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm
Authors: Palle Pedersen (Iowa State University) , Jason De Bruin (Iowa State University) , Jodee Stuart (Iowa State University)
Soybean planted either the last week of April or the first week of May typically produces yields greater than later planted soybean. This project will determine if initiation and duration of particular growth stages, along with main stem node accumulation explain why early planted soybean (late April/early May) yield greater than late planted soybean (mid May). Six planting dates with a one week interval were planted at seven Iowa State University (ISU) research stations and growth stages of the plants from the different planting dates were determined twice weekly.
How to Cite: Pedersen, P. , De Bruin, J. & Stuart, J. (2008) “Soybean Planting Date and Growth and Development Study”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2007(1).