Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm

Efficacy Results of Fungicides on Soybean White Mold Control

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Soybean white mold has been a production problem for soybean producers since the early 1990s. Iowa’s cool, wet summer has increased the white mold risk for some growers in Iowa. Sclerotia (in the soil) germinate and produce apothecia, and apothecia produce ascospores. These spores attack soybean plants at flowering. Therefore, treatment to protect soybean has to be made before or during the flowering period, depending on chemicals used.

Keywords: Plant Pathology, RFR A9034

How to Cite: Navi, S. S. , Yang, X. & Pecinovsky, K. T. (2010) “Efficacy Results of Fungicides on Soybean White Mold Control”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2009(1).