Horticulture Research Station

Using Digital Image Analysis to Evaluate Divot Recovery Rates among Cultivars of Creeping Bentgrass

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Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) creates a dense, high-quality playing surface for intensely managed turf areas on golf courses. Its popularity is partially due to its aggressive lateral growth, which allows this species to partially recuperate in areas continuously subject to wear and divoting. Plant breeding has led to the development of a host of improved cultivars that possess enhanced turfgrass characteristics. Recently developed cultivars of creeping bentgrass possess greater shoot densities.

Keywords: RFR A1021, Horticulture

How to Cite: Jones, M. & Christians, N. E. (2011) “Using Digital Image Analysis to Evaluate Divot Recovery Rates among Cultivars of Creeping Bentgrass”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2010(1).