Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm
Authors: Paul A. Domoto (Iowa State University) , Gail R. Nonnecke (Iowa State University) , Dennis N. Portz (Iowa State University) , Lisa Smiley (Iowa State University) , Bernard J. Havlovic (Iowa State University) , Nicholas P. Howell (Iowa State University) , Kenneth T. Pecinovsky (Iowa State University) , Kevin Van Dee (Iowa State University) , Joseph M. Hannan (Iowa State University)
To assess the regional adaptation of wine grape cultivars to Iowa, a trial was established in 2003 through an Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS)specialty crops grant awarded to the Iowa Wine Growers Association. The trial was designed to evaluate up to 20 cultivars or advanced selections at four ISU farms representing different geographic, climatic, and soil conditions: Horticulture Research Station (HRS), Ames; the Armstrong Research Farm (ARF), Lewis; the Southeast Research Farm (SERF), Crawfordsville; and the Northeast Research Farm (NERF), Nashua. The SERF and NERF plantings also included the 15 cultivars being evaluated in the 2002 grape cultivar by management system trial. This report summarizes the results for the 2006 growing season.
Keywords: Horticulture
How to Cite: Domoto, P. A. , Nonnecke, G. R. , Portz, D. N. , Smiley, L. , Havlovic, B. J. , Howell, N. P. , Pecinovsky, K. T. , Van Dee, K. & Hannan, J. M. (2007) “Wine Grape Cultivar Trial Performance in 2006”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2006(1).