Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Rotational Grazing Demonstrations with Beef Cows on CRP Land in Adams County

Authors: , , , , ,


Two grazing systems have been demonstrated on CRP land near Corning, Iowa, annually from 1991–2002. This report summarizes the 2002 production data. A 13-paddock intensive-rotational grazing system and a 4-paddock rotational grazing system were established in 1991 to show economically feasible grass alternatives to row crops and CRP on steeply sloping (9–14% slope), highly-erodible land (HEL).


How to Cite: Nelson, C. O. , Sprague, R. , Bredahl, R. , Peterson, B. , Bartenhagen, W. & Klein, J. (2003) “Rotational Grazing Demonstrations with Beef Cows on CRP Land in Adams County”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2002(1).