Muscatine Island Research and Demonstration Farm

Biochar Application in Potato Production

Authors: , , ,


Biochar is an organic amendment produced by the process called pyrolysis, which is the burning of biomass in a limited oxygen environment. It can be produced using different biomass types, for example, switch grass, corn residue, or hardwoods. Potential benefits of biochar in cropping systems could include nutrient recycling, soil conditioning, and long-term carbon sequestration. Research in corn and soybean production systems has shown promising results with biochar application, however, research in vegetable cropping systems is lacking.

Keywords: Horticulture

How to Cite: Nair, A. , Kruse, R. A. , Tillman, J. L. & Lawson, V. (2014) “Biochar Application in Potato Production”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2013(1).