Horticulture Research Station
Authors: Mark Rippke (Iowa State University) , Diana Cochran (Iowa State University) , Gail Nonnecke (Iowa State University) , Annie Butler (Iowa State University) , Kenneth McCabe (Iowa State University)
In conjunction with the Northeast Regional Research Project NE-1020 “Multi-state Evaluation of Wine Grape Cultivars and Clones,” Iowa State University (ISU) established a cold-hardy wine grape cultivar trial in 2008 at the ISU Horticulture Research Station (HRS), Ames, Iowa. The Iowa trial evaluates the performance of Corot Noir, La Crescent, Marquette, Petit Ami™ (planted in 2009), NY95.0301-01 (Arandell), MN1189, MN1200, MN1220, MN1235, MN1258, with Frontenac and St. Croix serving as control cultivars. Selection NY95.0300-01 (Aramella) was shipped by mistake and was planted in the guard rows and as end-of-row guard vines and Louise Swenson was used as replacement plants in blocks containing MN1235 vines that died (results not reported here). This report summarizes the results for the 2017 growing season.
How to Cite: Rippke, M. , Cochran, D. , Nonnecke, G. , Butler, A. & McCabe, K. (2018) “NE-1020 Cold-Hardy Wine Grape Cultivar Trial”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2017(1).