Horticulture Research Station
Authors: Diana Cochran (Iowa State University) , Mark Rippke (Iowa State University)
This study was conducted as part of the IR-4 Project to investigate herbicide phytotoxicity on two growth stages of apple (Malus sp.) and aronia (Aronia melanocarpa). Competition from weeds impacts the growth rate and overall health of container and field-grown crops, especially during establishment. Methods to control weeds include cultural, biological, and chemical control. However, it is the latter that generally is most effective and the most economical way to reduce weeds around the base of the crops. Good weed control from preemergent herbicides is dependent on placement, timing of application, and safety of the product.
How to Cite: Cochran, D. & Rippke, M. (2018) “Evaluation of Select Pre-Emergent Herbicides on Non-Bearing Crops”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. 2017(1).