Publication Reviews

The American Archivist Online Supplement to Volume 74. Edited by William E. Landis.



The Society of American Archivists (SAA) celebrated its 75th anniversary at its 2011 annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois. ARCHIVES 360° and SAA@75: “Then, Now . . . Wow!” was a time to reflect on the foundations, development, and future of the American archival profession. The semiannual American Archivist published four articles in the second issue of the 2011 (74th) volume that engaged the anniversary theme. But this issue insufficiently examined the breadth of the archival profession as covered at that momentous occasion. The American Archivist Online Supplement to Volume 74, guest edited by William E. Landis, compiled nine sessions from the 2011 annual meeting selected and reviewed by the Program Committee. In his introduction, Landis states that the purpose of the supplement is to capture annual meeting content in a more permanent and freely accessible means than purchasable session recordings. Panelists adapted their presentations into articles that explore the evolution of archival practice, examine professional diversity, and debate questions and opportunities for the twenty-first century. This successful supplement is the first of its kind for The American Archivist.


How to Cite: Gorzalski, M. (2014) “The American Archivist Online Supplement to Volume 74. Edited by William E. Landis.”, Archival Issues. 36(1). doi: