Oral Presentation

Thermodynamic Stability and Dynamical Metastabilty of Soft-Matter Quasicrystals via Interactive GPU-Accelerated Simulations using a Stabilized Langevin-Verlet Integrator

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Keywords: thermodynamic stability, pattern formation, Soft Matter, Metastability, Dynamics, Faraday Waves, Cluster Crystals, Van Hove Singularities, Computation, Simulation

How to Cite: Savitz, S. & Lifshitz, R. (2018) “Thermodynamic Stability and Dynamical Metastabilty of Soft-Matter Quasicrystals via Interactive GPU-Accelerated Simulations using a Stabilized Langevin-Verlet Integrator”, Aperiodic 2018: Abstracts from the 9th Conference on Aperiodic Crystals. 1(2018).