Management Economics
Authors: Ben Larson (Iowa State University) , James B. Kliebenstein (Iowa State University)
This report has shown that it costs more to produce pork through the nonuse of subtherapeutic antibiotics than through the subtherapeutic use of antibiotics. The report shows that there is a cost increase of $2.16 per hundredweight ($5.39 per pig) for the Nonsubtherapeutic system. It shows that there is an increase of non antibiotic feed costs ($.28), labor costs ($1.20), breeding herd costs ($.49), as well as fixed costs ($2.35). The item having the largest impact was the difference in pigs finished per sow. This impacted labor, fixed costs, and breeding herd costs, as well as a portion of the feed costs.
Keywords: ASL R1820
How to Cite: Larson, B. & Kliebenstein, J. B. (2003) “Cost of Pork Production with Nonsubtherapeutic Use of Antibiotics”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 1(1).