Authors: Dong U. Ahn (Iowa State University) , Cheorun Jo (Iowa State University) , D. G. Olson (Iowa State University)
Longissimus dorsi muscle strips of pig packaged either aerobically or under vacuum were irradiated at 0, 5, or 10 kGy and stored at 4°C for 5 days. Lipid oxidation, the amount and identity of volatile components, and sensory characteristics of raw pork strips were determined at 0 and 5 days of storage. Irradiated muscle strips produced more 2- thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) than nonirradiated only in aerobic packaging during storage. Irradiation had no effect on the production of volatiles related to lipid oxidation, but produced a few sulfur-containing compounds not found in nonirradiated meat. This indicates that the major contributor of off-odor in irradiated meat is not lipid oxidation, but radiolytic breakdown of sulfurcontaining amino acids. Many of the irradiationdependent volatiles reduced to 50 to 25% levels during the 5-d storage under aerobic conditions. Irradiated muscle strips produced stronger irradiation odor than nonirradiated, but no irradiation dose or storage effect was found. Irradiation had no negative effect on the acceptance of meat, and approximately 70% of sensory panels characterized irradiation odor as barbecued-cornlike odor.
Keywords: ASL R1711
How to Cite: Ahn, D. U. , Jo, C. & Olson, D. G. (2000) “Analysis of Volatile Components and Sensory Characteristics of Irradiated Raw Pork”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 1(1).