
Prevalence of Salmonella in Swine and Pork: A Farm to Consumer Study

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Fecal, tissue, and environmental cultures and serological tests were performed on 100 swine on a multi–site farrow to finish production facility. Salmonella of 10 types were identified in the swine herd and environment but none were recovered from rodents or flies caught in the production units. At slaughter, 52% (24 of 46) of swine were serologically positive for Salmonella antibodies, while 9% (4 of 46) were positive by culture. Although clinical salmonellosis was not detected in the study herd, multiple serotypes of Salmonella were causing endemic infections in the study herd.

Keywords: ASL R1507

How to Cite: Fedorka-Cray, P. , McKean, J. D. & Beran, G. W. (1998) “Prevalence of Salmonella in Swine and Pork: A Farm to Consumer Study”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 1(1).