
A Survey of Manure Characteristics from Bedded Confinement Buildings for Feedlot Beef Production—Final Report



Nutrient concentrations of manure sampled from four areas within bedded beef confinement facilities were similar, but dry matter of the manure was variable by area sampled. Nutrient concentrations in the manure were affected by time of sampling and by producer facility. Manure from bedded confinement buildings for beef production can be a valuable, consistent source of nutrients for crop production; however producers need to sample and test the manure from their facility to be able to manage it.

Keywords: ASL R2526

How to Cite: Euken, R. (2010) “A Survey of Manure Characteristics from Bedded Confinement Buildings for Feedlot Beef Production—Final Report”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 7(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-129