Animal Products

Improving Health Benefits of Beef and Milk:A Field Study

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A study was conducted to assess the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid in beef and milk from various farms in northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin that represent a broad range of management systems.Intensively pastured cows produced milk with CLA concentrations that were about 3- to 4-fold greater than the initial concentration. Ribeye steaks from cattle finished on a combination of pasture and concentrates were higher in CLA content than steaks from cattle finished on conserved forages plus concentrates.Therefore, pasture grazing is an effective method to improve the healthfulness of milk and beef.

Keywords: ASL R1864

How to Cite: Sonon, R. N. , Beitz, D. C. & Trenkle, A. H. (2004) “Improving Health Benefits of Beef and Milk:A Field Study”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 1(1). doi: