
Feeding Behavior of Yorkshire Pigs Selected for Residual Feed Intake

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Feeding behavior traits were evaluated in Yorkshire gilts from the fourth generation of the ISU residual feed intake (RFI) selection experiment. Gilts were fed using FIRE feeders. Compared to the randomly selected control line, pigs from the line selected for lower RFI, had lower residual feed intake, ate less per day, spent less time eating per day, and ate faster per visit, regardless of whether analysis was over the whole test period, the first half of test period, or the second half of test period. In conclusion, selection for lower RFI has significantly changed feeding behavior, which could be part of the reason why they are more efficient.

Keywords: ASL R2454

How to Cite: Young, J. , Cai, W. , Nettleton, D. S. & Dekkers, J. C. (2009) “Feeding Behavior of Yorkshire Pigs Selected for Residual Feed Intake”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 6(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-850