
Exposure to Heat Stress and anImmune Stimulus AffectsGene Expression in Chicken Immune Tissues

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Gene expression changes after exposure to acute heatstress and/or to bacteriallipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated by measuring globalgene expression in two immune organs,bursa and thymus,from two chicken lines, Fayoumi and broiler. Over 1,600genes had significant expression changes in response to treatment; greaternumberswere identified in bursa for Fayoumi and in thymus forbroilers. Heat stress suppressed gene expression responses to LPS in both tissues.Both Heat and LPS impacted expression of immune cell traffickinggenes; these pathwaysneed to be investigated for potential to improve immune responses in heat-stressed chickens.


How to Cite: Monson, M. S. , Van Goor, A. G. , Ashwell, C. M. , Persia, M. E. , Rothschild, M. F. , Schmidt, C. J. & Lamont, S. J. (2017) “Exposure to Heat Stress and anImmune Stimulus AffectsGene Expression in Chicken Immune Tissues”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 14(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-289