
Evaluation of Sorghum Silage as an Alternative Forage in Growing and Finishing Diets on Steer Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Nutrient Digestibility

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Overall trial performance indicates that sorghum silage-fed steers consume less feed but maintain similar growth and carcass composition when compared to steers fed grass hay. Similar performance by steers despite additional post-extraction sorghum silage partially replacing cracked corn, the primary energy source in the diet, suggests the feeding value of sorghum silage is equivalent to or better than the average quality hay used in this study. Further research is needed to quantify the energy/feeding value of this post-ethanol extraction sorghum silage in growing and finishing feedlot diets.


How to Cite: Blank, C. , Loy, D. D. & Hansen, S. L. (2017) “Evaluation of Sorghum Silage as an Alternative Forage in Growing and Finishing Diets on Steer Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Nutrient Digestibility”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 14(1). doi: