Authors: Johanna Sholar (Iowa State University) , Jessica D. Colpoys (Iowa State University) , Nicholas K. Gabler (Iowa State University) , Aileen F. Keating (Iowa State University) , Suzanne T. Millman (Iowa State University) , Janice Siegford (Michigan State University) , Anna K. Johnson (Iowa State University)
The objective of this study was to evaluate approachability of gilts divergently selected for residual feed intake (RFI) to a novel human. Twenty low-RFI and 19 high-RFI gilts were tested using a human approach test. Testing occurred over two consecutive weeks between 1300 and 1900 hours. Gilts were tested individually within a 4.9 x 2.4 m test arena. Throughout the test, latency to first enter, duration of time spent, and frequency of entrances within 1 m and 0.5 m of the human were recorded. These results suggest that divergent selection for RFI did not alter gilt approach behavior to a novel human.
Keywords: Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, Animal Science, ASL R3016
How to Cite: Sholar, J. , Colpoys, J. D. , Gabler, N. K. , Keating, A. F. , Millman, S. T. , Siegford, J. & Johnson, A. K. (2015) “Approachability to a Human in Gilts Divergently Selected for Feed Efficiency”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 12(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-1333