Animal Health
Authors: Derald J. Holtkamp (Iowa State University) , James B. Kliebenstein (Iowa State University) , Jeffrey J. Zimmerman (Iowa State University) , Eric Neumann (Massey University) , Hans Rotto (Innovative Agricultural Solutions) , Tiffany Yoder (Iowa State University) , Chong Wang (Iowa State University) , Paul Yeske (Swine Veterinary Center) , Christine Mowrer (Iowa State University) , Charles Haley (United States Department of Agriculture)
A net present value (NPV) analysis was performed to evaluate PRRS virus elimination from individual herds. The NPV analysis conducted for this study is the first analysis of which the authors are aware that accounts for the more severe negative production and economic consequences of a PRRS outbreak when a PRRS virus-free herd becomes reinfected. Two approaches to eliminating PRRS virus from a herd were evaluated: (1) complete depopulation and repopulation (CDR) of the herd with PRRS virus-free breeding animals and (2) herd closure and rollover (HCR). When HCR was the method of elimination, the time herds needed to remain PRRS virus-free to break even on the cost of elimination ranged from 4 months to 26 months. When CDR was the method of elimination, the time herds needed to remain PRRS virus-free to break even ranged from 18 to 83 months.
Keywords: ASL R2678
How to Cite: Holtkamp, D. J. , Kliebenstein, J. B. , Zimmerman, J. J. , Neumann, E. , Rotto, H. , Yoder, T. , Wang, C. , Yeske, P. , Mowrer, C. & Haley, C. (2012) “Economic Analysis of PRRS Virus Elimination from a Herd”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 9(1). doi: