Feedlot Nutrition
Authors: Denise L. Schwab (Iowa State Universtiy) , Beth Reynolds (Iowa State University) , Rebecca Vittetoe (Iowa State University)
Realistic yields for small grain forages in Iowa will provide data to make economic decisions on spring forage crops. Both yield and nutrient levels will help producers determine if this double-cropping option is feasible to implement, and if it can supply adequate protein levels in cattle diets. Data from the plots will be shared through eastern Iowa grazing and cover crop programs and field days.
Keywords: forage protein
How to Cite: Schwab, D. L. , Reynolds, B. & Vittetoe, R. (2022) “Spring Annual Forages for High Protein Feed”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. 19(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/air.13906