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Precision Integrated GEOgraphical Navigation: Near Space Recovery Technology

Authors: , , , ,


Precision Integrated GEOgraphical Navigation (PIGEION) is a novel payload delivery and retrieval apparatus for use with small, high-altitude balloon payloads. The PIGEION system combines ground tracking, remote control, and autonomous navigation to safely and efficiently transport and recover research and scientific instrumentation weighing up to 3 pounds. After assessing several delivery concepts, the final PIGEION system comprises a steerable parachute guided by a miniature, onboard flight computer. At the mobile ground station, winds-aloft data acquired during the ascent of PIGEION is used to predict a suitable landing location for the system. Following cutaway from ascent balloon and descent to suitable altitude under drogue parachute, the steerable parachute deploys and an autopilot algorithm maneuvers the payload to the desired location, based on GPS and digital compass position data. The use of a PIGEION system can decrease the risk of losing or damaging expensive payloads, increase payload mission lifetimes, decrease costs, and enable research in the near-space environment.


How to Cite: Kelly, C. , Amundson, C. , Shallbetter, W. , Andrist, E. & Tsellos, P. (2011) “Precision Integrated GEOgraphical Navigation: Near Space Recovery Technology”, Academic High Altitude Conference. 2011(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ahac.8138